Making Nanomaterials Better, Faster And More Accessible

Stephen Steiner wants to make nanotechnology more accessible to speed up the innovation process.

The inclination to think big goes back to Steiner’s teenage years when he vowed to never drive a car as motivation to solve the world’s energy problem. Now 26, he is a graduate student at MIT working to bring the world next-generation nanomaterials, like nanotubes that can make airplane wires lighter than copper, carbon aerogels that use electrolysis to pull hydrogen from water, and as announced yesterday, nanoparticles that can make super high density batteries.

Steiner’s first task at the MIT lab was to get the nanotube furnaces working manually, but he knew that to really get his lab breakthrough-ready, the furnaces needed to be automated. So he wrote a software program that automates a nanotube furnace using natural English syntax and fuzzy logic to help get us there faster.
"Just give it the instructions you would give an undergraduate and it can execute it," claimed Steiner, "Like ‘when the temperature gets to about 1000 degrees do X.’" This frees up his lab mates from having to spend hours next to the furnace making little tweaks and adjustments every few minutes and allows them to come back later to a batch of freshly baked nanotubes.

The intuitive, small footprint, English-syntax automation program will help the lab figure out how to make longer and more uniform nanotubes faster. Instead of having to babysit a high-maintenance process for hours, the researchers can actually leave the room and focus on other tasks, like analyzing data, or reading the latest literature.

Steiner calls the new program "Ansari" after private space explorer and X Prize sponsor Anousheh Ansari. Her work to open up space flight for all inspired Steiner to try to do the same for nanotech. He is working on a website that he calls "open source nanotech," where people will be able to download his automation software and learn about DIY nanotech.

The aerospace industry has already noticed the promise of nanomaterials and is sponsoring the MIT Nano-Engineered Composite aerospace STructures (NECST) lab. The lab is working to add carbon nanotubes to traditional carbon fiber composites to make them over a million times more conductive, which will save fuel by reducing an airplane’s weight. Seeing the 787 Dreamliner fly this winter with a carbon composite fuselage will be exciting. But seeing a plane that is made entirely of carbon fiber and nanotube-impregnated carbon fiber would be phenomenal.

Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides


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